Friday, December 12, 2014

Recession Fees 2014-2015

Due to the economic crunch we are all experiencing these days, VOA is willing to offer discounted fees for our programming. We only ask that careful consideration by you be made so that we can accommodate you without undo financial stress on our part.  Also, remember these fees are negotiable and subject to change based on what programming you wish us to bring, i.e., some events may require an additional fee for supplies. We need to get as many venues this year as possible to make this tour a productive and successful one for you, your students, your staff and your families.

We are excited about the prospect of coming back to Wisconsin and visiting the many cities we have visited in the past.

VOA Recession Fees

Elementary/Middle/High School Programming Fees
     1. Single Workshop: $900 (program and transportation)
     2. Two Workshops: $1300( program and transportation)
     3. Three Workshops: $2000 (program and transportation)
     4. Residency Program: Three to Five Workshops- no finale $3000.00 (program and transportation)
     5. Residency Program: Three to Five Workshops- finale $3500.00 (program and transportation)
     6. Assembly: $1200.00 for 45 minutes

     1. Single Workshop: $900 (program and transportation)
     2. Two Workshops: $1300( program and transportation)
     3. Performance: $1200.00 for 45 minutes

Universities/Colleges/Community Centers
     1. Single Workshop/Lecture Demo: $2100.00 (program and transportation)
     2. Two Workshops/Lecture Demos: $3500.00 (programs and transportation)
     3. Performance: $2500.00 for 60 minutes

Please take a look at these links to get a better idea of what programs we offer.

Click Here for "VOA" Press kit 

Nana Baakan
Managing Director/Founder
705 N. Warwick Road, Apt. C
Magnolia, NJ 08049

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Celebrate Kwanzaa with VOA, Dec. 26, 2014 thru Jan. 1, 2015

Looking for Culturally enriching programming for your Kwanzaa Event??? Look no further, we are here and we are ready and willing to take you there. In fact we offer workshops on Kwanzaa, it's origin and meaning and artifacts that make up the entire Kwanzaa program. We can come to your school, college, university, workplace, community center, you name it.
Our workshops include the Kwanzaa principles, Ngozo Saaba, along with dancing drumming and singing in celebration of the African American Holiday, Kwanzaa. It is not a religious holiday but a festival of renewal and re-uniting the African-American family around the 7 Kwanzaa principles.
     We have also discounted many of our program fees to accommodate folks during these difficult economic times.
Thank you so much, and we hope look forward to you bringing us to your area. Click Here for "VOA" Press kit 

Peace and Blessings,

Nana Akosua Baakan Agyiriwah,
Managing Director/Founder
"Voices Of Africa" Choral and Percussion Ensemble
705 N Warwick Road, Apt. C, Magnolia, NJ 08049
770-580-3322 (0ffice)